Partner Events

BoomTown Architecture Workshop ~ Grades 10, 11, 12 ~ April 15 & 16
April 15 & 16 - (Two Day Workshop) 10 am - 4 pm
This two-day Workshop is designed for youth currently in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade. Students will attend both sessions.
Registration is free. Lunch and all materials will be provided.
This program is limited to 20 students.

ACE Mentor Gaylord Pacific site Tour
Women in Construction (WIC) San Diego invites all ACE Women and Girls:
The construction team for the Gaylord Pacific Resort and Convention Center in Chula Vista is excited to invite the women of the San Diego ACE Mentorship program for a site tour and presentation on Saturday, March 18th. We look forward to this opportunity to share details of this exciting local project, personal stories from our construction management team members, and guidance on how to pursue a career in the construction industry.
The focus of Women in Construction (WIC) Week is to highlight women as a viable component of the construction industry. WIC Week also provides an occasion to raise awareness of the opportunities available for women in construction and to emphasize the growing role of women in the industry.
Open to family members - but everyone who shows up MUST register and bring the waiver form!

22nd Annual Local Craft Championship
Come join ABC San Diego on November 19, 2022, for their 22nd Annual Local Craft Championship! This hands-on timed competition will have competitors showcase their skills in Electrical, Plumbing, and Sheet Metal.
The top apprentices and trainees will compete for honors, awards, and prizes! 1st place winners in each trade will represent San Diego and compete with other champions in Florida at the 2023 ABC National Craft Championship!

ASCE San Diego YMF Presents - Corn Hole Tournament
Registration is open for the ASCE San Diego Young Member Forum Corn Hole Tournament on October 21, 2022, where 50% of the proceeds will go to Habitat for Humanity! Registration includes dinner, drinks, and opportunity tickets.

DOME sweet dome - beep+SDAF
ACE San Diego Students, you are cordially invited to be a team member at the Beep + SDAF + San Diego Design Week DomeSweetDomeConstruction Project!
Click to watch a promotional video!

Young Professionals’ September Construction Coffee Hour
Young Professionals’ September Construction Coffee Hour: Guest speaker, Scott Uren, President, Titan Fire Protection