Register to be an ACE Student
As a local affiliate of the ACE Mentor Program of America, ACE San Diego seeks to partner with San Diego High Schools to engage students in a volunteer-based program to teach students the potential careers in architecture, engineering, and construction. Comprised entirely of local industry volunteers and funded from the generous donations of individuals and companies, ACE will generate an interactive learning environment that will take each student through the life cycle of a “mock” design and construction project that addresses “real-world” situations.
In addition to working on their projects, students may visit various construction sites, professional firms, and potentially attend lectures on industry topics. Students will also participate in several “all schools” events throughout the year, including events such as our Trades Day. At the conclusion of the program year, students meet, mingle, and present their design ideas to their peers, mentors, teachers, and families. Students are also recognized for completing the program year. In addition, scholarships are awarded at this event to select students. Our mission is to engage, excite and enlighten high school students to pursue careers in architecture, engineering, and construction through mentoring and to support their continued advancement in the industry.
Donate to the ace mentor san Diego scholarship program
Register to become an ace mentor
“While in the ACE program I learned how to work collaboratively as part of a team, improved my communication skills, and practiced time management. Most importantly however, I met real professionals in the ACE fields and cultivated relationships with my peers. I am proud to be a part of this program and know that I am making a difference for others like me."
— Mariana Trujillo: Hoover High School